Exceptional Therapy
Compassionate Clinicians
Committed to Your Wellness

Exceptional Therapy
Compassionate Clinicians
Committed to Your Wellness

We believe that healing, growth and change are possible, and we know that therapy works.

We provide individually tailored, strengths-based, holistic and culturally sensitive services to each of our clients.

You deserve to be treated with the highest level of respect and care. At Juniper Psych, we understand that your decision to enter therapy requires both courage and trust, and we take that trust seriously.

We are a community of highly trained psychotherapists. Our individual styles and personalities vary, yet we as a collective have a focus on prioritizing our clients’ needs and goals while drawing on methods and interventions that have proven effective.

Our clinicians have competence and experience treating children (8+), adolescents, college/graduate students, adults and working professionals who thrive in high-stress environments.

We welcome individuals, couples and families of varying ages, races, cultural backgrounds, spiritual traditions, sexual orientations and gender identities, and we each remain committed to cultural competence in our work.

our team has a variety of specialties including:

  • Trauma
  • Substance use disorders
  • Eating disorders and body dysmorphia
  • LGBTQIA identity concerns
  • Women’s Issues
  • Men’s issues
  • Spirituality
  • Anxiety + Depression
Juniper Psychological Services Offices in Atlanta

Juniper Psychological Services was founded by two psychologists with a shared commitment to pursuing excellence in the science and art of psychotherapy.

Kathryn Bryan and Erin English, co-founders Juniper Psychological Services

Kathryn Bryan & Erin English
Co-founders Juniper Psych

Formed in 2019, Juniper Psych was named for both the juniper tree and for our location on Juniper Street in Midtown Atlanta.

Juniper trees grow and thrive in a variety of environments all over the world, including harsh environments. They are hardy and resilient, just like our clients who have survived challenging or traumatic experiences.

Every juniper tree has a unique growth pattern, and we believe that each of our clients has unique resources, strengths and capacities. As psychotherapists, we honor these personal gifts as we assist you in charting your own path of personal growth.

As business owners, we support clinicians in developing thriving private practices in the context of a supportive and collaborative environment.

Interested in joining us? Find out more »

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